Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sunflower for you.

I open the door and there they were.
Big and bright waiting for someone.
But for who?
It can't be for me.
I observed the things around it, never taking my eyes off the bright splendor.
Sure everything else was nice,
but who did the sunflowers belong to?
It couldn't be for me.
Time passed, conversations were held, but still the bouquet remained.
Frustration built up inside.
Surely no one could leave such a beautiful thing in a place,
A place were they won't be noticed, loved
only beaten and left to die.
Someone must rescue them!
But who?
I know it can't be me.
Or maybe it is...
With every ounce of courage I asked
"Are those for me too?"
"Yes, he said, a sunflower for you."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Unfailing love of a God

Love is such an uncommon thing to feel.
It's not easy to love.
But yet I choose to love everyone.
Accepting none in return.
Harder to accept or to give?
Broken, torn, beaten, bruised, scared.
Who loves those things?
I don't.
Who could love me?
Not you.
But He does.